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 A Blog About White Allyship

Welcome to The Waking White.  While this time is about amplifying black and brown voices and standing behind in support, I also believe it is a time for us to get real and talk openly about being white, allyship, and doing anti-racism work.

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A Heavy Heart

We were in the car on our way to the movies when we heard the news about the mass casualty event in Waukesha. After the shock and...

My Silence = Violence

In the summer of 2020, I attended protest after protest carrying a sign that stated "White Silence = Violence." I wasn't staying silent....

Are We All Liars?

A year ago today a life was taken and a movement was started. As I’m sure you are aware, it’s the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder. ...

I Am Not Exceptional

I started this blog many months ago writing about being a "waking white" rather than being a "woke" one. I've never liked that word...

I Can Never Understand

Today a black friend posted on FB, "If you have a black friend, and you don't understand their pain right now, you don't have a black...

A Visit to Charleston

Over the past few years, I've looked for historical sites and museums related to civil rights or slavery where ever I am, particularly in...

The Myth of the Model Minority

I'm taking a break from the Midwest for a needed change in scenery but my heart and mind are in Minneapolis today and will be, I imagine,...


Black History month is officially over but our learning should never be over. As I said in the beginning of February and say again...

This Old White-Washed House

As part of my continued intention to learn more about Black history and the Black experience in America, I started watching two different...

Are You Ready For Some Dismantling?

There was a football game yesterday that I had little to no interest in except for the inclusion of Amanda Gorman, the first poet to read...

I Am American History

Today is the first day of Black History month. As I reflect on my history as a white American, I remember vividly conversations growing...

American Skin

Last week I mentioned the film "American Skin." It is a powerful, moving, and haunting story that is never far from my mind. It begins...

Rethinking MLK Day as a Day of Service

I've heard over and over how I should spend the Dr. Martin Luther King holiday - in service to others. Please don't get me wrong about...

Two Americas

In an address in Atlanta on May 10, 1967, Martin Luther King Jr. said "And we must face the hard fact that many Americans would like to...

A Tale of Two Countries

This week, more than any of 2020, shined a very clear spotlight on how we live in two different countries within one land. Two systems...

2021 Habits

Someone asked me today if I am a "resolution-making person." My answer is no - I'm a habit-building person, building habits when the...

It's Time For a Reckoning

With the holidays approaching, some travel, and less daylight (which means less energy for me), I've been a little off my writing game. ...

Treat Racism Like It's Covid

I watched an episode of "Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man" last week (if you haven't checked these out yet, I highly...

Who Writes History? Does It Matter?

Tonight's post is inspired by a post by Ibram X. Kendi, anti-racist educator, author, and activist. Earlier today he posted "It is so...

How Does The Map Look to You?

Little is on my mind tonight, or anyone's I guess, except the election. If you know me, you know what candidate I support but I think...

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