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  • Writer's pictureAngie Capelle

A Challenge!

Once again, there is so much on my mind tonight - at the forefront, the branding of diversity training as "anti-American," "brainwashing," and "even child abuse" but I've been consumed most of today with designing a project, a challenge, and I'd like to ask you, my readers (even if there are only five!) to embark on this challenge with me. It's a 21-day challenge and while I know this is a bit cliché as it harkens thoughts of diet or exercise, this one is about racial equity. What does it take to make the learning, the mindset of racial equity a habit?

I challenge you for the next three weeks to read, listen to, or watch something related to racial equity each day - it can be as short a 2 minutes or as long as an hour (if only diet and exercise were that short to yield results!). The first week focuses on whiteness, the second on systemic racism, and the third on how to take what you've learned and put it into action, how to be an antiracist.

Take the challenge and come back here to discuss. We're in this together!

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