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  • Writer's pictureAngie Capelle

How Does The Map Look to You?

Little is on my mind tonight, or anyone's I guess, except the election. If you know me, you know what candidate I support but I think all can guess by my anti-racism work. But, what is also on my mind tonight, is my disappointment in my fellow Americans, especially white Americans. How is this election so close? How can near 50% of us look at what has happened over the past four years and say we want more of that? And top of mind of all the reasons, is his blatant racism, coded language, racial divisiveness, encouragement of white supremacy. A higher percentage of white women voted for him this time than last time. I'm embarrassed, ashamed, and afraid. We can not longer say we are better than that, that he doesn't represent who America really is at her heart. He very clearly does, near half of us at least. If you are anti-racist, there is no way you could in any good conscience, vote for him.

In case, you still may deny that he is racist, here are just a few examples:

-said there were "very fine people" on both sides when one side were anti-racism, peaceful protesters and the other side were white supremacists

-refused to denounce the Proud Boys or any white supremist organizations while openly calling BLM protesters "thugs"

-call Covid 19, the China virus or kung-flu

-called countries in African "s-hole countries"

-said Mexican people are bringing in disease, drugs, crime, are rapists

-refers to Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas

These are just a few examples. The latest example that has bothered me, in its not-to-veiled racism, is his appeal to white suburban women. Claiming he can keep their suburbs safe and free of low-income people - this is all coded language because what comes to mind when you think of this description? He very much means he will keep people of color out of your suburb .

When I look at the map, I see red and blue. The red makes me feel disheartened - so many continue to support a clearly racist leader and therefore are supporting racism. When a person of color looks at that map do they see places they can safely go and places where they need to have their guard up higher to stay safe? I am terrified of the statement our country has made this week. How are so many okay with the many horrible things that have happened in the white house and in the country these past four years and want more of that, more racism, more racial division? I feel hopeless tonight but my fight will go on.

I will try not to get political here often but after nights of fitful sleep and staying up much of last night, my "keep politics out of it" filter was broken. I hope you understand....

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